Socio-economic development orientation by 2015 and 2020

Đăng ngày 13 - 06 - 2022

  • Economic and social indicators of five-year-plan 2015 - 2020

Economic indicators:

- Annual average economic growth rate: ≥ 12%;

- GDP per capita by 2020: ≥ 3.600 USD;

- Economic structure by 2020: Agriculture - Forestry - Fishery 12%; industry-construction 53,7%; service: 34,3%;

- Agriculture production: 1,5 million ton up;

- The value of exported goods and service by 2020: 2.000 million USD up.

- Total social investment capital in 5 years: 610,000 billion VND.

 Social indicators:

- Job creation for more than 330.000 people;

- Rural labor in total labor by 2020: 35 - 38%;

- Trained labor rate: 70% up by 2020;

- National standard schools 70% by 2020;

- The poverty household rate decrease 2,5%/year;

- Natural growth of population by 2020: <0,65%;

- Urbanization rate by 2020: 35%;

- The ratio of commune reaching the national health standard by 2020: 70%;

Environmental indicators:

- By 2020, 95% urban population use clean water and 95% rural population use sanitary water;

- 100% of new production facilities having standard waste treatment works; by 2020, 100% of production facilities meeting the environmental standard;

- The forest coverage rate by 2020: 52,5%.

  • Key programs by 2015 and 2020

Development program of Nghi Sơn EZ and industrial and high-tech zones

Giving priorities to completion of technical infrastructure and strong promotion of investment attraction to make Nghi Son EZ become the impetus for the provincial economic growth and key development factor of the region.

Rapidly filling the space and promoting the effectiveness of the existing IZ; planning and developing more new IZ, combining with the advantages and demand of economic structure shift of regions and areas.

Promoting to build the high-tech zone including a high-tech park, a high-tech service urban zone and high-tech human resource training center in the total area of 1,300 – 1,500 ha.

Agriculture Development and Building Modern Rural Areas

Developing clean and high-tech agriculture which have high productivity, quality, effectiveness and big volume of goods; Encouraging to develop strongly industry, service and rural sectors, creating conditions for labor force structure shift and promoting process of land accumulation and centralization for large production. Promoting quickly the construction and implementation of Building Modern Rural Areas, making efforts to have 20% of communes meeting the new rural standard under the criteria of the Government’s regulations by 2015.

Socio-economic Development Program in the Western and Coastal Region of Thanh Hoa

Mobilizing diversified invesment and construction resources, upgrading  the socio-economic infrastructure; maximizing exploitation of potentials and advantages for strengthening the development of agriculture, forestry and aquacultures associating with processing industry; encouraging the development of commercial services; making a breakthrough in economic structure shift and growth rate, combining with socio-cultural development, improving intellectual standards, preserving and promoting the national cultural identity, reinforcing the national defense and security system, improving people’s lives, gradually narrowing the gap of the living standards between mountainous regions and plain and plateau regions.

Human Resource Development Program

Boosting socialization process, mobilizing all the resources for scale expansion and quality improvement of education and training. The human resources education and training will be given priority to meet the development demand in many fields such as oil refinery and petrochemicals, steel production, management and operation of thermal power and hydropower plants, manufacture and assembly of electronic components, software production, automation etc; building the cadres and public servants having good moral character and capacity to meet mission requirements in the new period; forming businessmen having wide business knowledge, understanding of law, activities, skill and spirit, and business culture; fostering talent, training excellent leading experts in many fields.



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