
Đăng ngày 23 - 02 - 2018

Thanh Hoa 's map

- Thanh Hoa province is located in the North – Central Region, links North Region with Central Region, about 150 km from Hanoi to the South and 1,560 km from Ho Chi Minh City to the North. Thanh Hoa province borders Son La, Hoa Binh and Ninh Binh provinces to the North; Nghe An province to the South; Hua Phan province, Lao PDR to the West; and faces the Gulf of Tonkin to the East with its coastline of 102 km.

- Area of 11.114,5 km2, 5th nationwide

- Population of 3,528 million people, 3rd nationwide.

- There are 27 administrative units including 24 districts, 01 town and 02 cities.

- Thanh Hoa is the land of the traditional fondness for learning. During the country’s history, Thanh Hoa had 1,627  laureates of whom had 240 PhDs. These days, many students get award at national and international level, and get the first ranks in national universities.

- Thanh Hoa terrain is diversified, lowering from the West to the East, divided into 3 typical regions: The plateau and mountainous region accounting for ¾ provincial total areas with 1.1 million people (it is bigger than 16 other mountainous province); The plain region: its area ranks 3rd nationwide; The coastal region: there are 05 ocean estuaries and the region is great suffered by climate change (Thanh Hoa is one of five most suffered in Vietnam)

- There are 1,535 relics, including 01 World Cultural Heritage (Citadel of the Ho Dynasty), 02 special national relics (Lam Kinh Historical Relic and Ba Trieu Temple Historical Relic), 134 national relic, 412 provincial relic. Moreover, Thanh Hoa province has 01 National Park (Ben En National Park), 03 National Nature Reserves (Pu Luong, Pu Hu, Xuan Lien).

- Favorable Traffic Road: 92 km North-South railways, 2 North-South national roads; 01 cross-Asia national road connects Laos PDR; Nghi Son deep-water port; Tho Xuan airport is 45km to Thanh Hoa city.

- Thanh Hoa province contains 08 Industrial Zones. Nghi Son Economic Zone, which is 01 of 05 coastal economic zones in Vietnam with area of  more 106,000 ha, is invested by Government in fields of oil refinery and petrochemical industry, ship building and repairing industry, thermo-electricity, building materials,  consumption products, processing products and export products. Particularly, the investment of oil refinery plant is about 9 billion USD.

            - Education and training: 03 universities; 06 colleges; 15 intermediate vocational schools and 77 vocational training centers.



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