Duties and powers of the Provincial People’s Committee

Đăng ngày 04 - 03 - 2020

1. Formulate and submit contents stipulated in Point a, b and c Paragraph 1, and Point d, đ and e Paragraph 2, and Paragraph 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Article 19 prescribed in this Law to the Provincial People’s Council, and organize the implementation of resolutions issued by the Provincial People’s Council.

2. Regulate the organization structure , duties and powers of departments and agencies under the management of the Provincial People’s Committee.

3. Execute the provincial budget, perform duties in terms of the development of socio-economic, industry, construction, commerce, services, tourism, agriculture, forestry, fishery, transportation network and irrigatioin system; take measures to manage and use lands, forests, mountains, lakes, rivers, water and mineral resources, and sources of income from certain space and ocean activities and other natural resources; take measures to prevent and control natural disasters, protect environment in the province within its delegated powers.

4. Develop and organize the implementation of provincial programs, projects and proposals for ethnic minority regions or areas faced with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions.

5. Implement measures to build the all-people national defence posture in connection with the people’s security posture in the province; provide guidelines to execute the plan to build a firm stronghold in the province; organize classes and courses to train in national defence and security and military activities in the province; formulate and execute the fighting tactics of local soldiers, self-defence forces; build military reserve forces and mobilize forces to secure task fulfillment in accordance with laws; launch the movement of all-people national security protection in the province.

6. Perform duties in terms of organization and guarantee the enforcement of the Constitution and legislation, governmental construction and administrative boundaries, education and training, science, technology, culture, information, physical activities, sports, healthcare, labor, social policies, ethnic and religious affairs, national defence, security, social orders and safety, justice administration, justice assistance as well as other duties and powers in accordance with laws.

7. Carry out duties and powers decentralized and delegated by centrally-governed state organs.

8. Decentralize and delegate duties and powers of the Provincial People’s Committe to the hierarchically-inferior People’s Committee and other agencies or organizations.

(Article 21 the Law to the Provincial People’s Council)


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