Meet Korea 2022

Đăng ngày 04 - 04 - 2022

On the afternoon of March 25, 2022, at the Meeting-Hall, FLC Convention Center (Sam Son City), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Korean Embassy in Vietnam coordinated with the People's Committee of Thanh Hoa province to organize the “Meet Korea 2022” event. This is an activity towards the 30th anniversary (December 22, 1992 - December 22, 2022) of establishing diplomatic relations between Vietnam and South-Korea.

Attending the conference, on the side of South-Korea, there were Mr. Park Noh-wan, Korean Ambassador in Vietnam; leaders of Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) in Southeast Asia and Oceania; Korean Business Association in Vietnam (KORCHAM); Chairman of Korean Business Association in Vietnam (KORCHAM); Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA); Korean enterprises investing in Thanh Hoa province. 

On the side of Vietnam and Thanh Hoa province, there were: Mr. Do Trong Hung- Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Council; Mr. Nguyen Minh Vu - Alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Standing Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Lai The Nguyen - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Delegation of the National Assembly of Thanh Hoa Province; Mr. Do Minh Tuan - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee; Trinh Tuan Sinh - Deputy Secretary of Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee; representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and leaders of some provinces and cities in the country.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Minh Vu , Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, welcomed and highly appreciated Thanh Hoa province's cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Korean Embassy in organizing the Meeting with Korea 2022. This is the first event in a series of activities towards the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Korea, creating many new opportunities, development and relations in investment cooperation between Vietnam - South-Korea, Thanh Hoa - South-Korea. Mr. Nguyen Minh Vu also hoped that after the “Meet Korea 2022”, there would be many projects invested by Korean enterprises in localities in the central region, especially in Thanh Hoa province. 

At the conference, Mr. Do Trong Hung, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council emphasized: “The “Meet Korea 2022” in Thanh Hoa is an event to review the glorious history of 30 years since the two countries Vietnam - South-Korea established official diplomatic relations, thereby, to strengthen, consolidate and deepen the strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries in the coming time.” 

With the spirit of "Convergence of resources, speeding up recovery and sustainable development", Thanh Hoa province wishes to continue to strengthen comprehensive cooperation with South - Korea to contribute to the successful implementation of the common goal by 2025, among the leading provinces in the country, becomes a new growth pole in the North of Vietnam; by 2030 to become an industrial province in the direction of modernity; by 2045, it will become a rich, beautiful, civilized and modern province, a comprehensively developed province and a model of the whole country.

Mr. Park Noh-wan, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam, expressed his belief that the 2022 Meeting with Korea in Thanh Hoa will open a new stage of good development of Vietnam - Korea strategic cooperation as well as between Thanh Hoa province, northern provinces and North Central region of Vietnam and Korean localities, agencies, organizations and enterprises. Mr. Park Noh-wan also believes that after the Meeting with Korea 2022, many businesses will find investment partners in Vietnam in fields such as environmentally friendly high technology, human resource development, supporting industries, Logistics,... contributing to the development of an increasingly prosperous Vietnam.

Next, the delegates discussed and analyzed a number of important contents relating to the strategy of promoting cooperation in investment, trade, culture and tourism. The conference also recognized many recommendations and valuable contributions to Vietnam's provinces/cities in investment attraction solutions. Vietnamese businesses also gained very important experiences and knowledge in exchanges with Korean business partners attending the conference.

Speaking at the closing of the Meeting with Korea in 2022, Mr. Park Noh-wan, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam and Mr. Nguyen Minh Vu, Standing Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, expressed excitement at the success in official activities as well as on the sidelines of the conference. In particular, through two main discussion sessions, the conference had very open exchanges of both sides on some basic fields of cooperation between the two countries, Vietnam - South-Korea. The two countries expressed their hope that in the future, this good relationship would definitely develop further.

Some images in the meeting



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